2019年11月21日上午,加拿大多伦多大学航空航天研究所(UTIAS,Institute forAerospace Studies, University of Toronto)教授Hugh H.T. Liu应邀在将军路校区自动化学院1号楼403会议室作题为“Cooperative DroneDelivery:Stabilization and Control”的精彩学术报告,会议由自动化学院赖际舟教授主持,刘建业教授及其他到场师生对Hugh H.T. Liu教授表示热烈欢迎,在会前会后进行了亲切交流。
学术报告中,Hugh H.T. Liu教授对多旋翼无人机协同载重配送工作的相关研究进行了深入的讲解。首先根据空间飞行器载重配送的实际情景介绍了目前团队科研工作中研究方案,又从单无人机配送到多无人机协同配送等层层递进的课题研究中,结合模型构建、仿真、实际试验中存在的问题仔细讲解了解决方案,最后对实际平台开发状态进行了视频演示。
学术报告后,参会老师和硕博士研究生针对Hugh H.T. Liu教授的汇报内容,根据汇报中提出的实际问题以及当前控制、导航定位领域的新发展,向Hugh H.T. Liu教授进行了请教。Hugh H.T. Liu教授对各个问题都予了详细的解答,并表示希望在跨学科领域的交流中碰撞出更多的火花。
Prof. Hugh H.T. Liu, Professor atthe Institute for Aerospace Studies, University ofToronto(UTIAS), Director of Centre for Aerial Robotics Research andEducation.
Prof. HughH.T, Liu works in the areas of aero plane control system design, wingdeicing multiple cooperative control, multi target control, and real timesimulation of the aero plane control system. He has published more than 100papers in key journals and international conferences, led 18 research proiects,and obtained one patent in the United States. He is a member of AlAA Controland Guidance technical committee and is the associate editor for conferencepaper of IEEE Control System Society. He is an associate Fellow of AlAA andCSME.